Sunday 5 February 2012

The Vampires Funeral _ Gomani's Leaves A Frightening Note

Early in the morning Kadamulendo assembled all leaders in the village and explained to them what he and his family have experienced. " I cannot sleep in that house anymore . My kids and my wife are terrified. The taps were running all night and the doors closing and opening on their on , even the radio was switched on . Never in my life have I experienced this ." Teacher Kaamulendo said . People put hands on their chins surprised , some clasped their hands , " What on earth is going on ! " Teacher Kadamulendo sneezed then let the handkerchief wipe his nose , " Lastly , all we heard was the voice of Gomani . He said he has come to settle the dispute and that he was not happy to be burried wrongly ." Chief Kalipo Kalipo interjected , " I don't think this is true . After all , we burried Gomani that way because the graveyards are full there is no space to afford such luxury ." All heads nodded . That very afternoon everyone agreed to pay Gomani a visit to the cementery where he was burried . They planned to say prayers and invite pastor Charlie Highly - Favoured Gondwe to lead them into prayers . They would sing bible hymn songs and they were sure that was enough for Gomani to rest in peace and he would never come back to haunt families . When they reached the graveyard , they all knelt down and prayed . Pastor Charlie Highly - Favoured Gondwe preached and prayed and prayed and the crowd responded with an emphatic Amen . It was time to go home . Chief Kalipo Kalipo and his advisors asked everyone to leave the graveyard . People left . Chief Kalipo Kalipo and his advisors including Teacher Kadamulendo inspected the grave where Gomani was burried . Everything looked perfectly normal . The soil was intact and the tombstone depicting " Gomani from 1945 to 2010". It didn't look like the graveyard has been tampered with . Chief Kalipo Kalipo motioned to his people with his finger that it was time to go . Just as they started to walk away Teacher Kadamulendo screamed , " Oh Jesus ! Please come and see this ." Everyone flocked without asking questions what was that . Kadamulendo pointed on the edge of the grave his face in shock and terrified , " Gomani is not here ." All eyes watched in disbelief , there was a large hole leading to where they burried Gomani , the hole disguised by a shrub . Chief Kalipo Kalipo took a long stick and when inserted into that hole it felt like there was nothing , not even a coffin where Gomani was burried . A small dried banana leaf was noticed to have been placed on top of the graveyard . It read , " I Gomani, will never accept this kind of burial . I have moved away from here until this dispute is over . " People ran into different directions , chief Kalipo Kalipo as old as he was found himself running like a school boy . Fear shook the entire village .

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